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Protective | Magical | Mystical Vibration

Heart based stone, soothing and uplifting. For hundreds of years, Pounamu has been used by to create amulets to wear for protection. Pounamu has a mystical energy & is a magical stone that will help you to live a long life & is commonly given to family members or as a gift of friendship.
Embodies a strong earth-based vibration & may be beneficial to use to create a protective grid.

Love flows freely through me

Treasured, valuable and with spiritual significance, pounamu – New Zealand’s highly prized stone – has been used by Māori to denote status and authority, for adornment, and for making peace.
by Basil Keane

Basil Keane, 'Pounamu – jade or greenstone', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 7 April 2023)

Story by Basil Keane, published 12 Jun 2006

Sterling Silver Bead and Pounamu Tripodo Necklace

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